About Us

About Us


‘To be nationally recognized as a world class infrastructure construction and Real Estate Development Company committed to total customer satisfaction through innovative designs and cutting edge technology.’


‘To be the Pioneer of new standards in housing construction and maintenance, grow economic value, develop skills locally, and build a credible, competitive and profitable business.’

Working with us

Our Values


maintain the highest level of professionalism in all our dealings.


honesty and fairness in our relationships with our suppliers, sub-contractors and professional associates.

Learning & Innovation

constantly keep ahead of trends in the industry and market.

Result driven

our focus is on getting the job on time and in the highest quality standards


Long Term Goals

  • To expand our business
  • To become the leading Civil Engineering and Construction Company in the world.
  • Earn respect from competitors in the market
  • Specialists in technical excellences.

Short Term Goals

  • Educate and train employees with and without the relevant skills to enhance their level of competence in the work place.
  • To comply with statutory and regulatory requirements.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The well being of the community surrounding us is also a KPI within our business. Businesses cannot succeed whilst the communities surrounding them are in serious adverse conditions. We will plough back into the community through preparation of social amenities such as soccer grounds, giving back to widows, orphans and the less privileged. There is a lot of poverty in our country and as a company it is our goal to take up arms and help the government in fighting this scourge that afflicts our country.”A better you, a better me, a better nation. “

Safety, Health, Environment
& Quality

The SHEQ Policy aims to ensure alignment to the Icebolethu’s mission and values, where ‘Dedication to Safety’ means ensuring that harm is not inflicted upon its employees, contractors, service providers, or the environment, Icebolethu’s assets, as well as members of the public affected by its operations, infrastructure, and all operational activities. Icebolethu’s management and all employees are committed to the well-being and protection of human life, environmental duty of care, protection of assets and customer satisfaction by applying our Plan-Do Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and our Code of Conduct in all our activities. We have integrated safety, health, and environment, and quality requirements into all activities.

Icebolethu’s commitment to Safety, Health, Environment, and Quality management is achieved through:

  • Implementation of an integrated management system in accordance with ISO9001:2015, ISO14001.
  • Achieving compliance with applicable legislation and other requirements to which Icebolethu subscribes and in the absence of these, setting internal standards to meet the intent of this policy.
  • Addressing the needs and expectations of Icebolethu’s customers and stakeholders.
  • Setting SHEQ objectives goals and measuring our performance (KPI’s) against these with the objective of continual improvement.
  • Periodical risk-based medical surveillance for all our employees, to monitor and manage occupational health risks inherently present in the nature of our business.
  • SHEQ training and safety based behaviour training for all employees.
  • Ensuring that our suppliers and service suppliers meet and adhere to our SHEQ requirements.
  • Promoting open communication with all stakeholders and sharing of our SHEQ knowledge.
  • Real accountability for all our managers and employees in performing and tracking our SHEQ goals and targets.
  • Design, construction and operation of our services in a safe, secure, efficient, and environmentally responsible manner.